"one of the best films of this year's short film program, Sanguedolce's 59 minute movie is an audacious story that takes a unique journey into its own heart of darkness.  With a nod to Francis Ford Coppola, Joseph Conrad and The Price is Right host Bob Barker, it's a story that has its own epic quality taking us from a small Sicilian village to the jungles of Thailand.  Less sure directors might have lost control of a film with diverse influences such as these but Sanguedolce remains focused on the story of one man's search for a long-lost brother.

And if the movie has a geographical and emotions sprawl, it remains touchingly intimate as we follow Steve (Earl Pastko) from his art-department job on Coppola's Apocalypse Now into the hinterlands of Southeast Asia in search of his brother.

Intercut with scenes from the movie and Heart of Darkness, the documentary on its making, the film also manages a stop along the way at The Price is Right where Sanguedolce's father appeared as a charming and funny contestant.  Part spoof and part saga, this is a film that's not without a unique sense of humor.  And it proves Sanguedolce is one of the best young filmmakers in the country.  It's a winner.


Marc Horton

Edmonton Journal 1996