"Driven by a montage of fragmented voice-overs that draft an elegaic weave of remonstrance, memory and sentiment, Sweetblood's pictures are drawn from a family's history of self representation - the endless heap of family photographs, rapidly reshuffled now between the filmmaker's lens, distant relations jammed together in the space of the filmmaker's close-up lens. Mounting a series of six "periods" of snapshots on foam core boards, then photographing them in single frame abandon, Sanguedolce presents a synoptic personal history begun with family weddings, and proceeding through grade school class photos, high school hipsters, a hockey montage, booze and drugs, a near fatal car accident, travels abroad, lovers and friends, the beginnings of his filmmaking career, and finally a last, difficult attempt to reconcile himself with his family. Superimposed over his photographic frenzy are dream texts presented one line at a time - culled from the maker's dream diaries, they serve as reminders that the family history is strained through language, and that the order of the read, the legible, remains the province of the looker, the audience. This intertextual flow, this family archaeology is finally delivered back to its audience as an open text, its passages of memory ordered according to the personal inclination of its attendant."
Mike Hoolboom 1994